Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting to Know the Cellar Dwellers: Donlad Skovira (aka, DJ/IG Meatshield)

Hello Guy, DJ here. I'm going to be writing some articles for Ed and the Cellar Dwellers in the future so I'm going to post a little about myself so yunz get to know me and my background.

Well I’ve been playing 40K off and on since the tail end of 3rd edition. So I’ve seen a lot come and go. I play IG and CMS but started with Space Wolfs. I left the hobby and then came back in at the beginning of 4th Edition with IG.

At that time, I was enlisted in the US Army and deployed to Iraq where I became a Weapons Instructor and traveled the country shooting guns and playing Warhammer.

When I made it state-side, I played at a GW store in Cherry Hill, NJ for a bit, the Gamers Sanctuary in MS (which last I heard is now gone), the Purple Cantus in San Antonio, TX( a hand full of times) and the best store I played in was the Gamers Matrix in WA near Seattle. More recently since returning home I have played at the Vault here in Greensbug, PA as well as Legions in the ‘Burg (Pittsburgh, PA).

So at least I'm well traveled! I think of myself as a fuffy player but I still like going to tournaments so I'm going to bring competition play as well as fuffy play and I won't sugar coat stuff for yunz.

Well that’s a little about myself, hope you all like my articles and always remember go for the throat!!


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